In faith, we stumble along, toward where we think we're supposed to go,
bumbling along,
and here is what's so amazing --
we end up getting where we're supposed to be.
--Anne Lamott in Traveling Mercies
It stays with me. I need to open my heart each morning to the gifts that will come during the day ahead. I vowed, with God's grace, to pay attention to what's happening in the daily events of my life, and to delight in the lovely things that will unfold.
I also see that God is taking all my loved ones and friends to exactly where He wants them too -- through all their stumbling along too. I find myself praying for you all in a different way, a more HOPEFUL way, reinforced with the truth that He's along all your journeys too! I am praying for you all, and all my family too, with a smile in my heart, SURE that He is getting all of us to where we're supposed to be!
A scripture reading yesterday was Hebrews 10:32-39. God telling us to remember that after we have been "enlightened" (for me, this is the reception of the baptism of the Holy Spirit) then we endured a great contest of suffering.
I certainly have seen this in my life! Oh my goodness, let's don't go there again! I am still not out of it.
But the reading goes on to say:
THEREFORE, do not throw away your confidence; it will have great recompense!
God added:
You need endurance in order to do My will, and receive what I promise. Hold to CONFIDENCE in My promises. Look into the future and act on THAT instead of what appears now! For after a brief moment I WILL come, I WILL NOT DELAY!
My friends, I know this is for you too! Pray with confidence! We will all end up exactly where we are supposed to be.